Each week we do a market wrap up to keep you up to speed on your retirement fund, your 401(k), your IRA and any other investment vehicles you might have.
The Republicans have 8 seats to defend in the senate while the Democrats have over 20. The house is in danger if Republican's sit on their hands in November.
Callers were asked to call about how much the tax cuts hurt or helped individuals. Several called and one caller talked about the amounts a friend saved.
These markets that we talk about each week pay a major part in our daily lives and people need to pay more attention to how they affect your lifestyle.
Each week Shane brings us up to date on the latest market news. We’re still up for the year but the tariff talks are beginning to weaken steel and aluminum.
Since I host a weekly business show I should do a business blog now and then. Here are some tips I give my clients on how to find customers in the newspaper.