What's going on?
Montana's Surprising Love for America's Worst Fast-Food Chain
A popular fast-food chain with 18 locations in Montana was just named the worst-rated in America.
We Solved a Marital Dispute in Montana
Uh oh. We got a phone call from Tiffany in Kalispell. She wanted OUR help in solving a marital dispute that she and her husband were having.
The Worst Places for Teachers to Afford Housing in Montana
What are the two worst places in Montana for school teachers to find housing? Despite massive growth across the state, the answer should come to no surprise for anyone following local issues.
Montana Ranked In Top 5 For UFO And Alien Sightings
Whether you believe in life outside of earth or not, Montana has been the subject of a few famous UFO sightings over the years.
Three Improvements That Need To Happen At Bobcat Stadium
If Montana State wanted to enhance the fan experience at Bobcat Stadium, here are a few things they need to do.
My First Time Seeing Self Checkout at a Montana Gas Station
Have you guys stopped in at the new Town Pump in Whitehall, Montana? Man. That place has everything...including something I saw for the first time at a Montana gas station.
The Combat Cowboys Honor Guard Makes Presence Known in Montana
What a powerful moment to see veterans and rodeo greats hoisting those flags high for the kickoff of the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame banquet.