The Swiss Army Knives of business and politics, Tom and Shane, are returning to the AM 1450 KMMS & AM 1340 KPRK air waves beginning Sat. May 9th - 8 — 11am
1450 KMMS went on the air in 1992 as a locally owned radio station. The morning show host for the first 16 years was George Carter who recently passed away.
On Saturday June 30, Jennifer Bordy will guest on Open for Business for our yearly Supreme Court Wrap Up Show. Listen live online or tune in at 11am MDT.
Immigration's been the hot topic all week and Tom, Shane and Mike McCormick talked all about it on this past Saturday’s Open for Business show. [Listen]
Senate candidate Russ Fagg joined hosts and Tom Egelhoff, Shane Montalban and guest City Commissioner Jeff Krauss for an informative interview. Check it out.
A caller who’s trying to add an addition to her current mobile home park voiced her frustration to the cost of all the prohibitive rules and regulations.
It’s been said, “You are what you eat.” I hope that’s not true. On last Saturday’s edition of Open for Business Tom ate a delicious Chocolate “Chirp” Cookie.
Lots in Bozeman are in the $125,000 range and if you use the rule of thumb that lot price is one fourth of the project then you’re looking at a $500,000 home.