Is Affordable Housing Possible In Bozeman? [Listen]
City Commissioner Jeff Krauss joined Tom and Shane on the Saturday edition of Open for Business and housing prices and affordable housing were both hot topics.
Tom gave some statistics on average housing prices around the valley including Bozeman, Livingston, Belgrade, Manhattan and Three Forks.
Jeff gave some history of housing prices and why affordable housing in Bozeman is such a challenge.
Lots in Bozeman are in the $125,000 range and if you use the rule of thumb that lot price is one fourth of the project then you’re looking at a $500,000 home.
Belgrade pricing is not too much different than Bozeman and it’s not the cheaper bedroom commute that it was a few years ago.
Plus, there are several hundred lots planned in Belgrade in the near future.
The short answer to my question is that Bozeman is getting more expensive by the day. Comments below.