Montana Senator Says ‘Respectfully’ No August Recess
Got an email from Senator Steve Daines today. The Montana Senator, is calling on members of the Senate not to take its August recess. That's what they call it; I call it a vacation.
To normal people like you and me, you don't take a break until you finish your work. We are told Obamacare is self-destructing. Insurance companies are leaving some states and people are unable to get health care. They haven't come up with a way to deal with the debt ceiling or government funding. This is not the time to take a few weeks off.
In a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Daines said:
“Our current Senate calendar shows only 33 potential working days remaining before the end of the fiscal year... This does not appear to give us enough time to adequately address the issues that demand immediate attention. Therefore, we respectfully request that you consider truncating, if not completely foregoing, the scheduled August state work period, allowing us more time to complete our work.”
Daines goes on to “respectfully” point out members of Congress were elected to lead.
“Delivering meaningful results was never assumed to be easy, but the millions of Americans who placed their confidence in our leadership expect our full and best effort.”
Some people think when President Trump promised to drain the swamp it was just a political promise. It wasn't. Maybe some people aren't aware of it or think they are safe. They are not. The swamp is filled with Democrats, liberals, fake conservatives, phony journalists and REPUBLICANS.
No one is safe. You have just taken a July recess. This is not a time for a vacation. Go get them, Senator Daines.
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