Commercial Free Re-Broadcast of Open For Business July 1, 2017
Open for Business with host Tom Egelhoff and Shane Montalban airs every Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mountain Time online at http://kmmsam.com. Call in number during the show – 406-522-8255 or text during the show 406-266-7617. Visit Tom’s web site at http://www.smalltownmarketing.com
Tom opens with his podcast “How To Be Your Own Small Business Sales Manager” Then Shane joins the discussion and the topics are off and running.
First Half Hour
- Tom and Shane threw out the idea of a universal minimum income for all Americans. Nixon had a similar idea, so did George McGovern and it was even proposed in Star Trek.
- Cash in all the entitlement programs? Who gets what?
- Innovation and labor along with business startups.
- The changing face of American Labor.
Second Half Hour
- The recent dog attack outside Bozeman – 65 yr. old woman killed by two dogs.
- Dog killings in China. The Chinese believe the more horrific the death of the dog the more power from the meat is transferred to the consumer.
- Supreme court upholds Trump travel ban. What’s happening in Germany, France and England? Who gets to come?
- Callers weigh in on CNN’s Morning Joe vs. Donald Trump and healthcare
- Repeal and Replace or something else?
- Callers were also concerned about Montana Water Rights from recent letters sent out recently.
Third Half Hour
- Healthcare continues into this half hour. Bailouts of insurance companies ending so they are bailing out of Obamacare.
- Continuation of the Montana water rights letter continued with more detailed explanations from our very informed callers.
- The Federal Government owns sixty percent of all the land west of the Mississippi.
- It’s Canada Day too.
Fourth Half Hour
- More detail on CNN Morning Joe and Trump feud.
- Should the president stop tweeting?
- Taxes and Healthcare still alive in Congress but not before July 4, recess.
- Callers weigh in on Russia and North Korea – railway link from Siberia to North Korea for coal.
Last Half Hour
- Market wrap up for the week. Gold, oil all over the place, bitcoin up headed for a billion, Dow up 18% for the year. S&P up 15.5%, NASDAQ up 27.25%, Russell up 23%. Growth all over the world. Only retail somewhat down.
- Europe exploring Quantum Easing – Japan planning to write off significant debt.
- Callers commented on the morning show changes. Canada Day with Shane.
- Caller talks about corporate corruption and derivatives in the US.
- Finishing up market review for the week.
- See everyone next week. -
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