Can the Griz kicks off on November 4th and will conclude on November 18th right after the first quarter of the historic Brawl of the Wild football game.
Ask locals what their favorite things about Bozeman are, and you'll get vastly different answers. But one of the coolest things you'll notice is that the most simple things, end up being the best things about this rapidly growing town. Somehow we haven't lost the pieces of what made this town great to begin with.
The Gallatin Valley Food Bank needs our help this Saturday with one of the biggest food drives of the year. 26% of the people who use the food bank are our children. Let's make sure those shelves are packed with good stuff.
Gallatin Valley Food Bank, Huffing For Stuffing provides a platform to talk about food insecurity and the health issues that surround food-insecure households.
I love the tiny homes-type shows and seeing how much they can do with just a little space. That’s just one reason I love the idea of tiny homes to help solve the homeless problem. If you feel the same way, you can help!
The HRDC is working on a second tiny home build project the next three weekends: July 22-23, July 29-30, and August 5-6...