The Swiss Army Knives of business and politics, Tom and Shane, are returning to the AM 1450 KMMS & AM 1340 KPRK air waves beginning Sat. May 9th - 8 — 11am
Yes, Tom and Shane are doing daily podcasts while off the air. Are you OK with the current time of 2pm weekdays? Or, would another time work better for you?
On Monday morning a listener called that has contracted the CoVid-19 virus. He relates the story of how he thinks he came in contact with the Coronavirus virus.
Is the National Debt a serious concern or just a number too large to comprehend? Here are the myths and truths of the debt explained in simple language.
Montana Dam Safety Program Supervisor Michele Lemieux visited the KMMS Morning Soapbox with Tom & Shane to clear the air on the condition of dams in Montana.
Gallatin Valley Food Bank, Huffing For Stuffing provides a platform to talk about food insecurity and the health issues that surround food-insecure households.