Henry Kriegel, Talk Show Host/Activist For more than 10 years Henry Kriegel, a professional activist, has brought his passion and love of freedom to talk radio at KMMS AM 1450. Kriegel co-founded the Bozeman Tea Party, help start the Montana Tea Party Coalition and currently serves as the Deputy State Director of Americans For Prosperity-Montana. However, on this station, Kriegel represents himself which is quite the experience. Listen to him every Thursday morning at 9:00 AM.
Henry Kriegel
BALYEAT & SENA: “FrackNation” Debunks Gasland & Myths of Extreme Environmentalists
My guests last week were Joe Balyeat, AFP-MT State Director and Jessica Sena, Communications Adviser for Montana Petroleum Association. Balyeat and Sena were on the last leg of an 8-city "Montana Energy Freedom Tour," screened FrackNation the night before and spoke about how Montanans can reclaim the Treasure State.
Are Gun Rights in America Under Assault?
My guest Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America (GOA), discussed the latest legislative threats to gun rights. Among the topics he covered were:
The truth behind Fast and Furious that you've not heard before
The Shumer (D-NY)-Toomey (R-PA) Bill: background checks are not benign
Why Pratt felt betrayed by Sen
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Vance: Defeat of Medicaid Expansion Tops the List–MT Legislative Wrap-Up
Montana House Majority Leader Gordy Vance joined me this morning to give a recap of the 63rd legislative session just adjourned yesterday.
Medicaid – Fix It, Don’t Expand It
Editor's note: The fight over Medicaid expansion is the biggest legislative battle of the 63rd session. It has been the subject of the last two shows. This past Wednesday, after the House Human Services tabled the Governor's Medicaid Expansion bill by a vote of 10-6 and a similar bill was defeated in the Senate Public Health Committee, House Minority Leader, Chuck Hunter attempted a blast motion
These MSU Students #StandWithRand: Last Minute Rally Hits Senate Offices
#StandWithRand has excited literally thousands of Americans as Senator Rand Paul held an 13 hour plus filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination as CIA Director. Paul filibustered the nomination in order to get a straight answer from the Administration...
Should State Employees Get a Pay Raise?
Former State Representative Tom Burnett joined me to talk about the Governor's budget, particularly what fat can be cut. Bullock's proposed budget is $11.5 billion over two years and relies on nearly half the revenues from Washington, DC. It reportedly represents an increase in spending of 13% and includes:
Is Agenda 21 in Bozeman? [AUDIO]
Agenda 21 has stirred the passions of people of all political persuasions. Glenn Beck wrote a book on it. Rosa Koire, a self-proclaimed lesbian and Democrat also wrote a book on the subject, Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 and is featured on the website, Democrats Against Agenda 21...
Sheriff Brian Gootkin Talks National and Local Gun Rights [RADIO SHOW AUDIO]
Sheriff Brian Gootkin affirmed his support for gun rights on this Thursday’s show. Gootkin also said the focus of the President’s 23 Executive Orders and discussion is a distraction from the real issue behind the shooting massacre in Sandy Hook, Connecticut—mental illness.
Get A Life! Right to Life Rally in Bozeman
This past week I attended two pro-life events in Bozeman. You might say, “Henry, with all that you do, don’t you need to do something else?” You mean, shouldn’t I get a life. That’s precisely why I went.
No Brats Allowed! Author Inge Paolini Joined Us In The Studio [RADIO SHOW AUDIO]
“Is all about the children.” How many times have we heard that rhetoric? For Inge Paolini, author No Brats Allowed!, it isn't just talk or words on a page. It’s a mission.