What’s It Like To Be The Boss?
You get an idea. You have no idea if it will work or not but you take a chance. You pour your heart and soul into it.
It might start out with just a card table and a phone. Then it morphs into orders and then more orders, then equipment, then a facility.
And suddenly there is more to do than you can handle alone. Which is not as bad as it sounds — if you hire the right person.
The Boss Is Always Right
Until he or she is not. Here’s the problem. Sharing the responsibility of a business you built working night and day for years is never and easy thing to do.
The first thing to realize is that when you change your hat from owner to employer no employee will ever have the passion you have for what you are doing.
And that’s not a bad thing. It’s a different thing.
Why Work?
When you run that first help wanted ad people are going to show up. Why?
Because, just like you, they have a dream. They need dollars to make things happen in their lives just like you need dollars to keep your doors open.
You need to realize that people don’t actually ever work for other people. Everyone is really self-employed.
As an owner you have a dream and you want it to come true. Your employees also have a dream and by working “with” you their dreams can be come true too.
Your dream will never become a reality if you try to achieve it at the expense of others.
How To Hire The Right Person
A local business owner has a great philosophy with it comes to hiring. “Hire for attitude and train for skill.”
You can’t teach a good attitude, a good work ethic, and dependability. Those things are usually taught at home before a working career begins.
While experience is helpful it’s not the only thing you should be looking for. If you have an opportunity to offer you should be hiring someone who is looking for an opportunity — not just a job.
Some Final Thoughts
Hiring your first employee is a major step. Being that first employee is also a major step.
When you do interviews you are not looking for another you. You are looking for someone who can not only take up the slack but also create an environment where another employee will be needed soon.
Create a culture where everyone succeeds — not just the top dog.
You and that first employee are not just building for today or the next year but the next ten years or longer.
You’re still the boss but the employee is not a slave. It has to be a win-win for both of you — and whoever follows.
Do that and your business will not only succeed but also prosper.