Thomson knew something was wrong when he saw a 20-year-old wounded woman lying in the grass. He dropped a green marker to indicate it was safe to approach her.
I left Vietnam in January of 1967 — forty-nine years ago. From that day on all holidays have meaning for me because I am here to celebrate them when so many are not.
Research a company’s political, religious, politics, or labor practices in foreign countries, and you won't be able to purchase any product made anywhere.
One of the things all vets have to live with is, “Why you?” Why is someone else’s name on that wall and not you? Why did you get to come home when so many didn’t?
Waking up thinking the deck is stacked against you because of your color and you take that attitude out your front door, that’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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Driving around town over the holiday weekend I am always struck by the sheer beauty of Montana. The green Bridgers we appreciate in the spring and summer are just as impressive wearing a mantel of snow...