
Native American Republican Elected to Head Up MT AFL-CIO
Native American Republican Elected to Head Up MT AFL-CIO
Native American Republican Elected to Head Up MT AFL-CIO
I got so caught up in covering the big news over the weekend about the railroad bridge collapse and train derailment over the Yellowstone River- that I forgot to share some other big news with you. A Native American Republican has now been elected to a major leadership position in the Montana AFL-CIO labor union.
Big Labor Loses Their Bogeyman in Montana
Big Labor Loses Their Bogeyman in Montana
Big Labor Loses Their Bogeyman in Montana
So there you have it labor unions. You lost your favorite bogeyman. Any excuse you had for union members to vote for the Democrat party in Montana is now gone. Maybe now you can speak up for actual labor union workers who are being put out of work by Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Where Does The Money Come From to Get Elected?
Where Does The Money Come From to Get Elected?
Where Does The Money Come From to Get Elected?
Read or Subscribe to all Tom Egelhoff’s Weekly Blog Posts by Clicking Here Have you ever wondered how decisions are made about who determines which candidate gets the bulk of the campaign donations? The answer might surprise you. ...

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