A Montana man dubbed the AK-47 bandit and accused of holding up banks in several states over a five-year period has been sentenced in a Nebraska federal court to 35 years in prison.
I think it’s time we stood up to environmentalists that don’t live here yet want to deny us the benefits of this project for their own selfish ideologies.
Trump is the 5th president to win the EC vote but not the popular vote. Only one president lost the popular vote and electoral vote and still became president.
According the Bible, Methuselah lived to the ripe old age of 969 years dying just seven days before the big flood. Do you suppose he had to pay taxes all that time?
Changing an illegal intoxicant into a taxable commodity isn't as easy at it seems. Voters thought regulation of pot shouldn't be any different than alcohol.
20-year-old Nathaniel Atkinson has just been convicted of a stick-up robbery of a Lincoln, Nebraska adult book store. But here's the catch: His sister was working behind the porn shop's register when he committed his crime.
Atkinson avoided being identified by his kin by wearing a mask and socks on his hands. However, surveillance cameras were able to lead the authorities back to him. After th