Montana Ignoring Electoral College In Future Elections?
On Friday and Saturday of last week I talked in detail about the Electoral College and how it works. All but two states are winner take all states.
That means that whichever candidate wins the total popular vote of that state they get all the Electoral College votes.
Two states, Maine and Nebraska, divide their votes proportionally between candidates. There are five scenarios various states have considered to allocate more of the popular vote to presidential candidates.
Currently each state has an Electoral College vote of one for each senator and one for each representative. Montana has three Electoral Votes since we have two senators and one representative.
Would Trump Still Win If The System Were Changed?
As mentioned above there are five scenarios that states have been considered to be more equitable in the distribution of Electoral Votes.
Almost every state has considered using one or more of the methods but so far only Maine and Nebraska have changed the Electoral Vote process in their states.
In four of the five President Trump would have still won if those methods were in place.
The fifth would have put the election into the hands of the House of Representatives and a Republican controlled house would have probably voted Trump in at president.
Maps of Why Trump Won The Electoral College Vote
Our electoral system is set up the way it is so that small pockets of high populations can’t control the outcome of our elections.
It’s really a genius concept by the founders. Without the Electoral College you would only need to campaign and win the 11 most populous states or about 25 major cities to be president.
As it is the Electoral College favors both parties equally if you use it to your advantage that Hillary Clinton did not do.
She all but ignored campaigning in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania.
While Trump increased the Republican turnout in all those states and put them in the win column for his campaign.
He also got more of the black vote than previous Republican Candidates.
Some Final Thoughts
The Electoral College is the twelfth amendment to the US Constitution. It would not be easy to just cast it aside. And I doubt that either party would be in favor of abolishing it.
The main reason is it’s a known entity. Depending on the candidate either party can benefit from the EC. It’s been in place for a long time and there have been
Trump is the fifth president to win the EC vote but not the popular vote. Only one president lost not only the popular vote but the electoral vote as well and became president.
John Quincy Adams beat Andrew Jackson because neither had the required number of EC votes. That vote went to the House of Representatives who ignored both the popular vote and Electoral College vote and put Adams in the White House.