We have a mob of illegals moving in mass to assault our southern border. They are not a caravan, not an exodus, they are an invasion and yes — they are a mob.
Immigration's been the hot topic all week and Tom, Shane and Mike McCormick talked all about it on this past Saturday’s Open for Business show. [Listen]
Abraham Lincoln was way ahead of his time using air power. Yes, the Yankees had a Balloon Corps that were used at Bull Run, Yorktown, Fair Oaks and Vicksburg.
Research a company’s political, religious, politics, or labor practices in foreign countries, and you won't be able to purchase any product made anywhere.
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This is one of those questions no one can really answer unless you’ve been in a position to make a hard decision concerning the hiring and firing of people.
Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, and Mitt Romney all took a lot of abuse online and in the news about firing large groups of people...
Can a person be forced to perform a job against their will? What does "against their will" really mean? Where does one groups rights start and another's end?