For seven years now, Kirk Hennifer has turned his lawn on South Avenue into an enormous Christmas display including lights and music. As of last year, Hennifer has been trying to turn an ice sculpture he's been perfecting into a world record achievement.

"This is the fifth year on the ice sculpture which is a part of our Christmas animated light show," Hennifer said. "Last year, we tried to break a world record for the tallest ice sculpture. We didn't quite make it; We weren't tall enough. If the weather cooperates with us, we're going to try to see if we can break it.

Despite spraying his sculpture with water at night, Hennifer has had a difficult time getting the sculpture to grow in this warm weather,. Last year the sculpture grew to 44 feet, just nine feet shy of the world record. Hennifer says he spends about ten days of set up each year and has spent thousands of dollars to set up the display.

"When we first started, we probably only had $2,500 or $3,000 in it, but of course we tried to grow it and make it bigger and better every year," Hennifer said. "We're pushing about $4,500 to $5,000 I suppose. It's really hard to keep track. The extension cords just about fill up the back of the pickup and I still don't have enough."

Hennifer's Christmas display can be found by heading west on South Avenue, just past Big Sky High School. The show beings on the hour , every hour between six and nine p.m. There is a framework for a 53 foot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex in the yard... it's kind of hard to miss.

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