Affordable Mental Health Comes To Bozeman [Listen]
On a recent edition of the KMMS Morning Soapbox with Tom and Shane we had the pleasure to interview Kevin Maxwell of Providence Mental Health about the variety of mental health issues affecting our valley. (Listen to this informative interview below)
I don’t have to remind everyone of the mass shootings at schools and public venues over the past few years.
Most people assume that the perpetrators of these awful crimes must be suffering from some form of mental illness.
However, not everyone with mental issues turns to violence.
One problem is that many think professional help is financially beyond their reach. Or they’re embarrassed that they can’t control their lives as they would like.
They don’t know how to begin a conversation about their concerns.
The Family Dynamic
Depression, problems at work, problems with money, kids, can all take a toll on our mental state. Families can suffer from a variety of issues just as individuals do.
Family sessions can often uncover underlying issues one person has that can affect the whole family. Lack of family communication can often lead to no communication at all.
Bullying In School and Social Media
Our children are trying to find their identity in society. They are trying to fit in. As anyone who has been bullied in school knows fitting in isn’t always easy.
Kids often shut out the family and try to deal with things on their own. Social media, intimidation at school have led many teens to suicide.
While schools do have counselors sometimes a more professional person is needed.
Some Final Thoughts
If you have a concern about your own mental health or that of a family member or friend, the worst thing to do is keep quiet.
Providence Mental Health in Bozeman offers many ways for individuals and families to include mental health needs in their budget.
They offer many plans and insurance answers that can enable families and individuals to access the help they need. They can be reached at 406-579-4984.