This is One Major Improvement That Bozeman Needs Right Now
As the Bozeman area continues to grow, there's been an increasing problem. No, we're not talking about the housing market, we're talking about the infrastructure.
On almost every corner in Bozeman, you'll see a new hotel, apartment complex, or condo. Developers have been buying up most of the available land and replacing historic neighborhoods with large multi-story buildings.

Bozeman's population is booming and it's putting a lot of extra strain on local resources. Some places in Bozeman are sadly being neglected and are unsafe for some residents. One major improvement that Bozeman needs is better sidewalks. Many of the sidewalks in Bozeman are falling apart and are in desperate need of repair. In some neighborhoods, sidewalks don't even connect.
If you check the sidewalks in front of newer buildings in Bozeman, like the row of hotels on Mendenhall, they are in great shape. However, you don't have to walk far to find cracked sidewalks with huge chunks missing.
Many of Bozeman's residents are older, and some are confined to a wheelchair. To put it simply, the condition of many of the sidewalks around town is unsafe for some residents.
The most heavily trafficked areas are kept in decent condition, but many of the side-streets are neglected. Honestly, there are a multitude of growing pains that Bozeman is currently experiencing, but we'll save those for another time.
Seriously, you shouldn't have to mow the sidewalk...The pictures in this article are from one city block in Bozeman. If you have any pictures of sidewalks in need of an upgrade in Bozeman, send us some on the MY 103.5 app.
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