This might be a big shake-up for Downtown Bozeman but a welcome addition for many fans of this brand. 

The Bozeman Real Estate Group released that the popular online retailer will be opening a shop in Downtown Bozeman. Backcountry will be leasing the old Gallatin Laundry building which resides on East Babcock and Bozeman Avenue. 

If you don't know, Backcountry is a top-notch outdoor company that houses several high-end outdoor brands like Sorel, Patagonia, Stoic, and more. Backcountry offers everything from clothing, shoes, and equipment for all your outdoorsy needs. 

The space that Backcountry leased out is over 10,000 square feet, and there is no word on whether the large building will be for retail, offices, or both. The only other thing the article says is Backcountry expects to open by the Summer of 2022. 

What do we think about this? Well, this is a game-changer for downtown Bozeman. Downtown Bozeman is known for local, small businesses, but over the past few years seen more national companies move their way in. Lululemon and Athleta have made impacts with locals and have gotten great business. 

The thing is, Bozeman is an outdoorsy town, and downtown has one prominent outdoor company in Chalet Sports, which is locally owned. I am seriously worried if this space ends up being a huge retail space, what impact it could have on a locally owned small business. 

As soon as we find out more information on what is happening with Backcountry, we will make sure to keep you in the loop. 

For more details, check out the Bozeman Real Estate Group

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