Tester Blocking President Trump’s Nominee
OK. Here's my question when it comes to the new-found scrutiny of Admiral Ronny Jackson, President Trump's choice to become the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs: if this man has this potential baggage that disqualifies him from being the VA Secretary, how in the world did he survive the vetting to become the doctor for President Barack Obama?
In case you missed it, Senator Jon Tester got Three Pinnochios from The Washington Post for falsely claiming that conservatives are trying to "privatize" the VA. Now that that attack on Admiral Jackson has fallen flat, he's apparently trying to dig up dirt on the admiral, Iraq war veteran and White House doctor instead. Tester is joined in this effort by Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. Blumenthal is the Connecticut Democrat who was called out by 14 Medal of Honor recipients for falsely claiming that he was a Vietnam veteran.
While Tester claims he is still vetting Admiral Jackson for VA, he is now speaking out clearly against CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Trump's pick to serve as secretary of state.
Here's the transcript of what John King had to say, according to the RNC's "Morning Frequency:"
KING: Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Manchin, the two Democrats on the record of yes. Now they share this: They're both up for reelection this year and they both come from states -- Donald Trump carried West Virginia by, what, 42 points. I think North Dakota was only 30 something. But they get it. They get the dynamics there. But are -- is that -- is that just it, that the Democratic base is calling these guys up and saying you cannot vote for Mike Pompeo? Because to Phil's point, let's just put this up. Look at this list of secretary of state nominees here. Rex Tillerson, 56-43, but then John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Madeline Albright, Warren Christopher, James Baker, George Schultz, back to Alexander Haig. Things were political in the Reagan administration and in the Bush administration and in the Clinton administration, and in the next Bush administration and even in the Obama administration. But especially for secretary of state, usually it was, OK, the president deserves his team. This is -- this is mostly about Trump, if not all about Trump, isn't it?