north dakota

What It’s Like For A Woman In Williston North Dakota [VIDEO]
What It’s Like For A Woman In Williston North Dakota [VIDEO]
What It’s Like For A Woman In Williston North Dakota [VIDEO]
Rarely a week goes by that doesn't include a news story involving the oil boom, crime increase or harsh conditions in Williston, North Dakota. A working, single woman is profiled in this New York Times video piece. What is it like to be a woman in Williston?
University of North Dakota to Drop Its Fighting Sioux Nickname
University of North Dakota to Drop Its Fighting Sioux Nickname
University of North Dakota to Drop Its Fighting Sioux Nickname
The “Fighting Sioux” will be all but gone by the end of the year. That was the ultimate decision that University of North Dakota officials made, heeding the call of the NCAA which said the term is offensive to Native Americans. They will retire the nickname of its athletics program and implement a new name for the school early next year. After private meetings were held with leaders of the NCAA, a