According to the Center for Disease Control, Each year at least 2 million people get an antibiotic resistant infection in the US and 23,000 of those people die.
This week, Montana Attorney General Tim Fox joined in sending a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration urging it to require manufacturers of generic prescription pain relievers to develop tamper-resistant versions of their products.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has responded to a request by Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and 42 other attorney's general to create new labeling rules for opioid drugs.
“The opioid epidemic has taken the lives of many Americans and has affected many people, including newborn children,” Fox said...
Flu vaccines have always been dreaded by those who hate shots, but this year a company called PharmaJet introduced a device that uses “a high-pressure steam of liquid to pierce the skin and deliver the vaccine.” The needle-phobics rejoiced.
But now the FDA is saying, Not so fast.