However, today’s colleges seem to be trying their best to correct one of our amendments that really doesn’t need correcting. And that’s the first amendment.
Several groups apparently lost all protection on Election Day. I guess there's no first; second, fourth, fifth or fourteenth amendments in place any longer.
I don’t believe prejudice is permanent. It’s just permanent for some people. All each of us can do is try to get along. Sometimes that’s not always easy.
While the goal of justice for blacks at the hands of the police is considered noble in some precincts their actions and methods are anything but respectful.
Boycotts hurt employees more than owners and are most often used as nothing more than to send some form of self-perceived, politically correct message.
When most modern day Americans think of the Civil Rights Act, they think of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 championed by presidents Kennedy and Johnson.