15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On Amazon15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On AmazonMaybe you'll want to think twice before buying these items next time. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Porch Pirates in Montana? How To Protect YourselfPorch Pirates in Montana? How To Protect YourselfHere are some steps to protect your packages. Will GordonWill Gordon
Time To Pay: Amazon to Start Charging Some Alexa Users in Coming MonthsTime To Pay: Amazon to Start Charging Some Alexa Users in Coming MonthsHere's how much it will cost and what you're getting. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
11 Amazon Items Sold in Montana Now Under URGENT Recalls11 Amazon Items Sold in Montana Now Under URGENT RecallsAmazon was told in July to recall these items sold on their site to Montana residents even if they were sold by third parties.Nick NorthernNick Northern
A Big Change Is Coming To Amazon Deliveries In MontanaA Big Change Is Coming To Amazon Deliveries In MontanaAmazon has announced a big change to their packages coming soon.Nick NorthernNick Northern
Montana Video Game Hit: Coming To TV Soon?Montana Video Game Hit: Coming To TV Soon?Video game shows are a massive hit with audiences, and this one set in Montana has a ton of potential. Will GordonWill Gordon
Big-Name Grocery Store no Longer Letting You 'Just Walk Out'Big-Name Grocery Store no Longer Letting You 'Just Walk Out'The store had hoped the checkout-less technology would be a hit with customers. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Montana is No Stranger to Porch Pirates. Here is How to Stop ThemMontana is No Stranger to Porch Pirates. Here is How to Stop ThemThe internet is littered with home surveillance footage of the thieves. But, rarely are any of them caught.KCKC
New 2018 TV Shows That SuckNew 2018 TV Shows That SuckI know what you’re thinking — Tom’s a racist. No, I’m not — as I said I’m a purist when it comes to my choice of entertainment. Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
09.01.18 Market Wrap Up With Tom And Shane [Listen]09.01.18 Market Wrap Up With Tom And Shane [Listen]All the markets entered record territory this week. New York Exchange, S&P 500, NASDAQ all hit record highs.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff