Protecting Montanans’ Second Amendment Rights
Congressman Greg Gianforte has voted to protect Montanans’ Second Amendment right to bear arms. On a vote of 231-198 the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act has passed the House of Representatives
“I will always defend Montanans’ Second Amendment rights, and I am proud to have cosponsored the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act,”Gianforte said. “The bill ensures that law-abiding Montanans keep their right to bear arms when they cross state lines... I encourage the Senate to act quickly to protect the rights of Montanans to carry concealed firearms,” Gianforte said.
The new bill will allow people with a state-issued concealed carry license in Montana to carry in other states. Right now a person has to find out what the law says in each state that they are traveling in so they don't get arrested.
“Where the constitutional rights of Americans are being abridged when they travel from state to state, Congress has both the authority and the responsibility to act. That is the essence of H.R. 38,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association of America.
“That legislation would cut through the byzantine patchwork of repressive state laws, and would allow traveling Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights with confidence throughout the country,” said Erich Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, of H.R. 38.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation supports the new bill. They say it will eliminate the confusion of varying state-by-state laws and protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.”
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