Montana Snow Is Pretty Cool Stuff
I’m aware that snow is cold. Not the cool I’m talking about. I remember our first snowfall in Bozeman after 13 years of 75-degree days in San Diego.
We stood at the window watching it come down and after 25 years here it never gets old. When it starts snowing I just have to stop whatever I’m doing and watch for a few minutes.
Seeing snow covered mountains and pine trees and our scenic views always seems as though I’m seeing them for the first time.
Currier and Ives had the right idea. Their cards must have been influenced by Montana.
There is always snow for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. In fact one year we got 25 inches of snow on Christmas day.
Snow Does Have Some Downsides
Now that I live out of town I don’t have to shovel as much as I did in town. In Bozeman we lived on a corner lot so snow blowing the front of the house and then snow blowing down the side of the house.
Living outside Bozeman I still have a corner lot but only a short driveway to shovel. No sidewalks here yet.
Knock on wood, I’ve been driving on ice and snow covered streets for 25 years with no tickets or accidents. Accidents on snow are not always your fault.
Some drivers, I won’t mention any names, drunk or high MSU students, are clueless about driving on snow and ice as are tourists from warm climates in for the holidays.
Some Final Thoughts
Snow is one of the things I like most about Montana. It just seems like America to me.
Snow covered mountains, the Christmas Stroll, ice skating, skiing, ice climbing, hockey, cross country skiing all seem to add to the beauty of our area.
It’s great to live in a snow-covered landscape in “The Last Best Place on Earth.”
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