The first Montana satellite chosen to ride on a NASA space mission -- a small research satellite that involved more than 125 Montana State University students over five years -- is set to launch on Wednesday, Feb. 23.

Glory is a climate satellite that will measure the sun's energy output and the distribution of tiny airborne aerosol particles in the upper atmosphere, Klumpar said. Explorer-1 [Prime] is expected to orbit the Earth about 15 years before reentering and disintegrating in the upper atmosphere.

MSU's satellite will also carry solar cells for power, a radio receiver and transmitter and a computer system to operate the device.

If the satellite launches as scheduled, it is expected to make its first pass over Bozeman between 1 and 3 p.m. the same day, Klumpar said. After that initial pass, the satellite will pass over MSU about three times daily, about 440 miles above the ground.

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