Halloween, ghosts and goblins, witches brew and everything scary come out after dark every October 31, 2013. In case you were wondering about the rather long word in the title, Samhainophobia” is the fear of Halloween. Sort of a double whammy night if you have that particular affliction. But not to worry, all will be well on Friday.

Some Unscary Facts About This Very Scary Day

  • Turnips were used to make the very first Jack O’Lanterns.
  • The Jack in Jack O’Lanterns supposedly tricked the devil several times and as a result was forbidden entrance into both heaven and hell. He spent his days waving his lantern to steer people away from their chosen path.
  • Halloween is the second highest grossing commercial holiday after Christmas.
  • The first printed mention of trick or treating in North America came from our neighbors to the north. In 1927 in Blackie, Alberta, Canada.
  • Kids want chocolate. Fifty percent want chocolate, while 24 percent like non-chocolate and 10 percent who want gum.
  • The birthplace of Halloween is thought to be Ireland. However others believe it’s been around since 4,000 BC which makes it about 6,000 years old.
  • If you’re bored on Halloween night put your clothes on inside out go out walking backwards. It’s almost dead certain you will see a witch at midnight. Please video it for the station Facebook page if you do this.
  • France and Australia are not big fans of Halloween. They see it as an unwanted overly commercial influence from us ugly Americans.
  • The record for most Jack O’Lanterns lit at one time, 30,128 in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Nom Craven is credited with the largest pumpkin on record coming in at 836 pounds in 1993. Good luck stealing that off the porch.
  • Stephen Clarke is the fastest pumpkin carver around setting a record of 24.03 seconds. The pumpkin must be less than 24 pounds, carved traditionally, and must have eyes, nose, ears and mouth.
  • Young ladies in Scotland believed that if they hung wet sheets in front of a fire on Halloween they would see the image of their future husbands. Others believed walking down stairs at midnight on Halloween and looking in a mirror would reveal their boyfriends faces.

Some Final Thoughts

Growing up daylight savings time always occurred before Halloween making it darker earlier. Thankfully in recent years we’ve extended that time past Halloween. It’s important to keep an eye out for small bodies while driving. Children are more than twice as likely to be killed in a crosswalk on Halloween than any other night of the year. So let’s have fun, don’t damage anyone or yourself, and enjoy a little candy or other treat.  Happy Halloween!

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