Hey Businesses! It Might Help If You Stay Open Till After I Get Off Work!
My brother and his wife are visiting from Illinois. They’re doing all the touristy things and having a great time. But yesterday, my sister-in-law went to the MSU book store and it was closed. She got there at 5pm and the hours were 7:30 to 4:30.
It seems strange to me that when most businesses stay open extended hours for the summer, the book store closes so early. The candy/smoothie shop across the hall was still open and doing business and the admissions office at the end of the hall was still open and had a handful of people lingering around the office.
I can’t help but wonder the reasoning behind closing so early. Even if the book store would stay open till six or seven. The folks that shop after work would appreciate the extended time and maybe even the weary travelers that drove all day to get to get to the MSU book store only to find they close early, would greatly appreciate the longer hours.
Also, the time is drawing near to when new students and their parents might be traveling to Bozeman to check out the town and the college and get an early start on their college purchases – WARNING: be sure to get to the MSU book store early enough in the day because otherwise you will miss out buying Bobcat paraphernalia until tomorrow or on your next trip to town!
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