Sometimes this is done intentionally and other times it’s not. You train a new person and in a few months they’re promoted over you even though you’ve been there longer and probably know, and do, the job better.

Management often can’t see the forest for the trees. I’ve worked at many retail outlets that the most successful sales person is often promoted to the sales manager.

This rarely works out well. Why?

Because the best sales person may not be able to successfully transfer his or her skills to someone else.

Being Good Might Not Be Enough

Magic Johnson and Larry Bird are arguably two of the best basketball players of all time. Both took a turn at coaching after their NBA careers ended.

Magic was a dismal failure and lasted less than one season while Bird went on to be coach of the year.

Many of the best baseball coaches were never great players. However, sitting on the bench as second stringers they learned the game and the various personality traits needed to get the best out of 25 players.


When management decides to make a change it’s a crapshoot. They’re crossing their fingers and hoping for the best.

The pros outweigh the cons. The die is cast.

We often look to successful people for clues on what we can do to reach their level. Sometime that works, other times not so well.

Some of us are artistic, others are literal, some are visual, and still others might be mechanical. We each learn in our own way.

Some Final Thoughts

The best advice I can give when training your boss is to make the best of it. I never wanted to burn a bridge until I was all the way across it.

Things move fast in this world of unlimited opportunity. Opportunities might show up tomorrow that never crossed our minds today.

Learn everything you can about where you are right now. That’s valuable information you can take to your next position.

You might as well be the boss being trained.

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