Today's tragic events at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore. prompted me to send the following email.

Sent to: The Offices of: Bullock, Tester, Daines and Zinke

"As a radio person, I'm very tired of reporting the latest mass shooting.

President Obama is correct in saying: The pain felt in the affected community is the same, his response is routine and the anti-reform organizations response is routine.

What can my listeners expect to hear on this matter, in the near future, from the office of our elected officials in Washington?

I apologize for the single email to all three offices, (the Governors office was contacted in a separate email) but I'm now going to be busy gathering information, as suggested by the President, on number of lives lost to mass shootings compared to terrorism for my show tomorrow. I hope to include a statement from your office.

Thank you for your time and look forward to your reply.

Respectfully requested"

At the time of this posting, the only reply recieved was from Sen. Tester's office:

'Jon and his wife Sharla send their thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families during this tragic time.'

Something is wrong in America; How do we fix it? President Obama:

"the United States is the only advanced country on earth that sees these kinds of mass shootings every few months."

Watch President Obama's full statement below:

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