City of Bozeman Bonds and Levy Items: What and How Much?
It's that time of year. Property owners are receiving ballots for the November 2nd election and there are three important things that you'll be voting on, and we know how much they cost.
So this time around the City of Bozeman is presenting you with two bond issues and a Community Housing Levy. Very different issues and very different costs.
Ballots were mailed on Wednesday, October 13th, 2021 so you should be receiving them in the mail in a matter of days. Voting is important to make your voice heard, and will ultimately impact your property taxes no matter how you vote on each issue.
FIRE STATION #2 BOND: $6.7 million bond = $18.83/year. This is the fire station that is located at 410 South 19th Avenue in Bozeman. They are looking to build a new facility on the MSU campus that will replace the existing location.
FACILITIES RENOVATION BOND: $2.2 million bond = $6.83/year. Funding for improvements to Bogert Pool and Bozeman Swim Center. Also includes upgrades to the Lindley Center (although we couldn't get specifics as of this writing. We'll update as we get them.)
COMMUNITY HOUSING LEVY: 7mills x current mill value = $33.67/year. "Provides a dedicated stream of funding to address community housing" Not a lot of specifics to be found.
PLEASE NOTE: The above costs per year is based on "the assessed market value of the median home ($364,000)".
According to the Bozeman Real Estate Group, as of August 31st, 2021: Median Price of a Single Family Home in Bozeman = $779,500. Median Price of a Townhome in Bozeman = $492,450. Median Price of a Condo in Bozeman = $436,590.