Bozeman Summer: Giant, Inflatable Lobsters? I’m Ready
Summer at our house is just plain fun. When we're home it's all about outside, sunshine, big kiddie pools, games, drinks, neighbors, and now...inflatable lobsters.
Oh, and there's also an inflatable pig-shaped kiddie pool to add to the festivities this year. Had to have it.
All the items were already inflated so it was 'interesting' getting them home. But I figured we'd have a little fun and put one of the lobsters in the passenger seat with a seatbelt and a claw out the window. (So, yeah. If you saw that today...that was me.)

Then there is the inflatable flying pig kiddie pool. Had to have that too. Our front lawn is no stranger to inflatable kiddie pools. That kind of stuff was encouraged before COVID but the game was elevated to a new level during the pandemic since we were all at home ALL THE TIME.
The front yard looked like a middle-aged hipster keg party on most afternoons. Lawn chairs everywhere, lights strung up for when the sun went down...the whole nine yards. I even added to the hanging light collection for this year. It's going to be epic.
So with all this said, please know you're invited. Just give me a heads up if you want to hang with us some afternoon. The music selection is quite varied, but it's always on. Snacks are free flowing and there's usually something good one the grill. You might have to wait your turn for a chaise lounge (one is always mine), but there are plenty of other comfy chairs for your chillin' pleasure.
There's a cooler with ice but only two lobsters. We'll have to take turns with those.
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