At any job I would assume you would be fired for sleeping on the job. What are these air traffic controllers thinking? Is it the airports fault for scheduling problems that bring out groggy employees?


Edmund DeMarche - Fox News

The latest report of a snoozing air traffic controller came Wednesday during Capitol Hill testimony by FAA Administrator Randolph Babbitt.

Babbitt was speaking to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Committee on the discovery March 23 that a controller was asleep on the job at the D.C. airport, where two planes had to land without any assistance from the control tower.

Babbitt said he was “disappointed” to report that his agency had uncovered another incident, in Knoxville, Tenn. In this case, the air traffic controller appeared to be “willfully” sleeping, Babbitt said, and the FAA said it is taking steps to fire the person.

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