Well S***. How Often Do Montanans Use Curse Words?
Well, ain't that some S***.
I was talking to friends over the weekend and just sat back for a minute and listened. WOW, do they say some swear words!? Not that I am an angel myself, but holy hell, I think every other word was an Eff Bomb; which totally makes sense considering Montana's favorite swear word is F***.

I came from a town full of "sailors" where swear words were just part of every sentence so I shouldn't be so shocked. In fact, North Dakota (where I moved from) actually swears way more than Montana. Perhaps after being around less swearing, here in Montana could be why I am so shocked when I do actually hear it so much.
I do blame the lack of driving skills for most of my cussing, but I also don't feel like I'm the only one who does that on a daily basis.
What are the surrounding states' favorite swear words?
Idaho: Crap
Wyoming: Sh**
North Dakota: Hell
South Dakota: Hell
Montana is way more naughty with their favorite word being F***.
So compared to all the other states, where does Montana stand when it comes to having a Potty-Mouth?
We are really in the middle. We rank at 25. What does that mean? For every 1000 tweets we send out, there are 25 naughty words.
Georgia, Rhode Island, and New Mexico should all keep a bar of soap in their pockets for the swearing they do online.
Now that I think of it...I do say a lot of swear words while driving around Bozeman. "This isn't a F****** stop sign". "Turn your D*** bright lights off"; "Why the H*** are we not going? The light is F****** green! GOOOO".
Sorry, Mom.
CC: Mental Floss, Wordtips