Montana ‘Haters Gonna Hate’. Too Much “Hater-Ade” In Their Cup?
I won't lie, at first the comments would really get to me. They would make me feel like I did something wrong. I quickly realized that was not the case.
You know the old saying, "misery loves company"? For the free speech trolls of the internet, I think they have their seven followers all in a line and can enjoy a cup of coffee together and banter about the latest idiotic article posted.
I often will state that clearly the person(s) who choose to post hateful comments and pictures must have been drinking a whole lot of "Hater-ade".
When comments like this are made all over social media, one has to think, "they must be extremely miserable".
we want to see lots less people and no liberals!! -Newsbreak
Now I don't mean to be the grammar police, but we do employ lots of teachers from out of state, to ensure that our children use proper grammar skills. Just a thought.
the writer can't be a montanan. who really wants that crap food anyway in n out is the biggest joke of them all. -Newsbreak
In and Out Burger is completely family-owned, much like a lot of our local restaurants, and has a net worth of over $4 Billion dollars. I'm guessing the local employees they employ are happy to receive a paycheck from a business that understands their values.
you mean planted locals,right,not real montanans -Newsbreak
Again with the grammar. Fun fact, 70% of Gallatin County are "transplants".
stay out -Newsbreak
Yes, let's kick all the transplants out so that we don't have enough teachers, nurses, mechanics, etc. This seems logical. Then we would have a town with empty buildings, apartments, and businesses that can no longer stay open because we "kicked out" the "non-Montanan" workers they did have.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that there are a handful of people that don't care for change. It's hard for some, but our local businesses that rely on the "transplants" for business and for employees, most likely do not want everyone to leave.
Have a spectacular day!
cc: Newsbreak