Tom’s Opinion: Does God Exist?
Does God exist? For some the answer is easy for others there are various levels of suspicion, doubt, or outright denial. So who’s right?
I don’t think it’s a matter of who’s right or who’s wrong, it’s a matter of what you believe or don’t believe.
We believe in lots to things we can’t see, feel, touch, hear or smell — gravity for example. While we can’t see it, we have daily proof it exists, and we accept that proof as the “Law of Gravity.”
But can’t the laws of gravity be defied? Balloons float, planes fly, hot air rises. So even though a “law of physics” exists there are exceptions or doubt involved.
I’m guessing the Wright Brothers put more of their efforts into being able to take off and defy the law of gravity then they did about where and how they were going to land.
Is There Any Tangible Proof God Does Not Exist?
The most tangible is that in the Bible there are countless stories of angels and Jesus and miracles that people witnessed. Would Jesus still be here if the Roman’s had not crucified him? Why don't we see the miracles of those bygone days today?
Where is God today? Why doesn’t he just come on down and get everyone on the same page.
Show up in Times Square, do a few miracles, confirm all those stories in the Bible, and everyone becomes better from the experience.
Just because I can’t see, hear, smell, touch or feel something does not confirm its nonexistence.
Non-believers would look at the world and say why would such a loving, compassionate God have so many people living in bondage and poverty?
Shouldn’t our life on earth be a “preview” of heaven and an afterlife that will be much, much better?
Is There Any Tangible Proof God Does Exist?
If you expect someone in human form to show up and confirm the existence then no. But is that the end of the story?
The tide goes in and the tide goes out. There are 24 hours in a day — every single day. The earth rotates around the sun in 365 and one-quarter days.
I would not call those things random. I would call them amazingly precise.
Whether you believe the earth is six thousand years old or 100 million years old the point is still the same. Man has determined measurements of time and space.
Somehow man has enough brainpower to create a method for me to write this on a screen and send it to the entire world.
While the reach of God’s word resonates across the globe, today I can reach more people with my thoughts than Jesus did during his entire time on earth.
I would count that as a miracle of immense magnitude. Would the people living in Jesus time call computers "magic?" Wouldn't that kind of communication have to emanate from a higher power than simply mortal man?
And how was that method provided to me? By accident? Or was there a greater more powerful influence at work? One man’s miracle is another man’s technology.
The good things in life that I can’t control are thankfully controlled for me.
The seasons, the very beauty of the earth itself, and the laws of nature that allow life to flourish and prosper on this little rock we call home. That alone is miraculous.
Some Final Thoughts
Does God Exist? Only each one of us knows that for sure. While there are six billion of us on this planet we are all private and our true interior thoughts, feelings and beliefs are known only to us.
It is often said there are no atheists in foxholes.
So the existence of anything for us is internal not external. We either believe it in our being or we do not. But there is one certainty about our interior beliefs.
For those who do not believe no proof is possible; for those who do believe, no proof is necessary. What do you believe in?