Missoula may be trying to condemn Mountain Water Company, but testimony in court today was mostly about how well the city runs the things it is already responsible for.
Jordan Graham pleaded guilty to a second degree murder charge on Thursday (Dec. 12) in the death of her newlywed husband, Cody Johnson, at Glacier National Park.
Day four of the Jordan Graham trial continued on Thursday morning of December 12, a little later then scheduled. The prosecution rested and the defense began calling up witnesses--one in particular was Graham's mother, Lindele Rutledge.
The third day of the Jordan Graham trial wrapped-up with testimonies by two FBI agents that helped piece together the events of July 7, the day that Graham is accused of murdering her newlywed husband Cody Johnson by pushing him off a cliff near "the loop" parking lot at Glacier National Park.
The coroner for the Flathead County Sheriff's Department gave his account of where he found articles of clothing belonging to Cody Johnson, as well as a cloth that has been in question, from the witness stand today, Dec. 11, in the third day of the Jordan Graham murder trial.