Project Bullet set a transcontinental speed record. A Vought F8U Crusader flew from California to New York at 725.55 mile per hour. Who was the Marine pilot?
In my opinion the release of income tax returns is much like looking at the National Inquirer on the shelf in the checkout line. It’s a colossal waste of time.
I keep seeing the “Man on the Street” interviews that late night talk show hosts have on now and then. I have to wonder about the world these folks live in.
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Let the shopping frenzy begin. Thanksgiving Day. What are you thankful for this year? Was it the year you thought it would be?
Did fun or interesting things happen to you...
In 1971 it was decided to move President’s Day to the third Monday in February to honor all president’s past and present. Why the change? Why did we decide to dis Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays?
What would we do without elections? Every couple of years, two sides square off, and try to convince voters that the other guy is so much worse. By doing that they don’t have to spend any time telling voters what they will do if elected...