Tom’s Opinion: Where Jobs Will Come From In 2014Tom’s Opinion: Where Jobs Will Come From In 2014Electricity eliminated the need for whale oil in oil lamps. The automobile probably cost a lot of carriage makers their jobs. Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Is Failure The New Norm In America?Is Failure The New Norm In America?Imagine living in a world without TV, air conditioning, shopping centers, fast food restaurants, stereo sound, interstate highways, jet airliners and microwave ovens.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
How Much Government Control Is Too Much Government Control?How Much Government Control Is Too Much Government Control?Before you paint me as anti-government, I’m not. Governments serve a very useful service to the people and we’d be in a real mess without them.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Death Spiral: Trying to buy customersDeath Spiral: Trying to buy customersA bargain is only a bargain when it’s a bargain for everyone involved in the sale. Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff