Let’s Make America Worry AgainLet’s Make America Worry AgainThe great American pastime used to be Major League Baseball. Now it seems to be finding ways to make us, the populous, worry.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Are We Losing America?Are We Losing America?America was great in the 50s and 60s — if you were white. But not if you were black — or a woman.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Give Up Pot – Rock Music Will Give You The Same HighGive Up Pot – Rock Music Will Give You The Same HighYes it’s true. Music can act on the brain the same way addictive pleasures do.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
How to Survive The Stages of LifeHow to Survive The Stages of LifeWhile there is good and bad in all stages of life there is one important lesson to get through all the stages.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
What’s It Like to Be An American?What’s It Like to Be An American?I lived in a time when there was drive-in movies, no drug use, and no Rock n Roll. Few people had TV’s; there were only 16 baseball teams, and no freeways.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff