Several years ago I was camping on a friend's ranch north of Big Timber one summer when we drove past their sheep dog. That thing was one of the most stately looking animals I had ever seen.
"Half of Montana’s state budget comes from income tax collections, and American Prairie Reserve pays zero. In 2022, APR reported earning $63 million in tax-free revenue."
How many of these multi-generational family ranches here in Montana got their start by a soldier returning from war? Have you heard the latest desperate, anti-veteran attack against Navy SEAL veteran Tim Sheehy?
Jocelyn Cahill: "I've talked to many ranchers dealing with this same nonsense. They're scared to use water on state leases, because they fear DNRC will come for them."
If you find yourself traveling one of the many backroads here in Montana and comes across an old boot on a fence post, here's why you don't want to touch it.
This might be the most "Montana" festival we've ever heard of, and it's happening June 23rd through 25th. Celebrating ranching and land stewardship, the weekend will be packed with Americana music, expert guest speakers, vendors, and chef curated wood-fired food in Helmville, Montana.
Foreign ownership of land, bison in Yellowstone and the APR, the water courts and more. Here's our chat with the President and 1st Vice President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association during their 138th Annual Convention taking place in Billings.
With 7.16 people per square mile, Montana DOES have more cows than people. Farming and ranching is still incredibly important across the entire state. (We've got 2.51 cattle per person, BTW.)