In addition to the Bozeman Police Department issuing a Scam Alert on Facebook, the Gallatin County Sheriffs Office stated on Facebook that they have received numerous calls regarding scams.
You’ll be happy to know that your cell phone has a whopping 18 times more bacteria than the average toilet handles. You might want to wipe that thing off.
Upon the arrival of tax season, Attorney General Tim Fox wants to warn Montanans about aggressive and sometimes threatening phone calls from scammers impersonating agents of the Internal Revenue Service.
There never seems to be time when someone isn’t trying to fraud someone else out of money or property, but the Montana Department of Justice and Attorney General Tim Fox said right now, the department is seeing a lot of activity with two specific telephone based scams.
The Montana Highway Patrol began using a new, non-emergency contact number today, June 17. The number was changed because AT&T decided to escalate the fee for that number up from a couple of hundred dollars a month to thousands.