
NBC News: Gianforte Wins Mont. House Seat
NBC News: Gianforte Wins Mont. House Seat
NBC News: Gianforte Wins Mont. House Seat
According to NBC News, Rep. Greg Gianforte, R-Mont., will keep his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives after defeating Democratic challenger Kathleen Williams. Williams got off to a quick start, Tuesday, while the votes were being counted, but support for Gianforte proved to be too much as he is being declared the winner by NBC News' election desk...
Trump Scolded for Praising Republican Who Slammed Reporter
Trump Scolded for Praising Republican Who Slammed Reporter
Trump Scolded for Praising Republican Who Slammed Reporter
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Republican senator says the U.S. needs a president who "celebrates the First Amendment," not one who "pretends that beating up a reporter is OK." Nebraska's Ben Sasse (sas) has frequently criticized President Donald Trump for what he considers Trump's uncivil rhetoric...

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