Could Your Employees Pass The Snowflake Test?Could Your Employees Pass The Snowflake Test?The buzzword these days is snowflake. Today’s whining, sniveling, rich entitlement brats who think the world owes them a living for little or no work.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
We Need to Redefine the Word FREEWe Need to Redefine the Word FREE“In 11 states, welfare pays more than the average pre-tax first year wage for a teacher. In 39 states it pays more than the starting wage for a secretary."Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Why The $15 Minimum Wage Is A Good And Bad IdeaWhy The $15 Minimum Wage Is A Good And Bad IdeaOn the surface the minimum wage is a good idea to most people. Why shouldn’t people have a living wage — or at least something closer to it?Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Tom’s Opinion: Poverty In America Is A ChoiceTom’s Opinion: Poverty In America Is A Choice“Unless you are physically or mentally unable to work — being poor in the United States of America is a choice.”Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff