
Summer Driving Tips
Summer Driving Tips
Summer Driving Tips
It started with an email from a 1450 KMMS-AM Listener encouraging everybody to drive with their headlight on to reduce accidents. So we called upon Sgt. Travis Munter of the Bozeman Police Department to ask if it was true, driving with headlights on would reduce collisions...
Countries Debating Taxing Motorists Based on How Much They Drive
Countries Debating Taxing Motorists Based on How Much They Drive
Countries Debating Taxing Motorists Based on How Much They Drive
Picture the government placing a GPS on your car and tracking every mile you drive. Now, imagine being charged a tax based on those miles, your vehicle’s fuel efficiency rating and the time of day you drove. Such a system is being explored in car-clogged regions of Europe and Asia. Even the US is interested in studying mileage charging systems.
iPod’s Could Be Banned In New Ordinance
iPod’s Could Be Banned In New Ordinance
iPod’s Could Be Banned In New Ordinance
iPod's could be banned from being used by drivers that is. The Butte Silver Bow Judiciary Committee is moving forward on a proposed ban of any hand held electronic devices while driving. How many of you agree that hand held electronics use should be banned from a driver?