I’ve advised parents to encourage their children toward a career in developing and repairing robots. We'll have them in the next ten years if not sooner.
Our right to free speech and the right to privacy are two of the most valuable freedoms we still have in America. But even those two have their limitations.
The Missoula County Attorney’s Office, City Police Department and County Sheriff’s Office have jointly sponsored investigators’ attendance at an elite training on extracting and decoding forensic evidence from mobile devices.
Bozeman went hands free on January 17th of 2012 meaning that you could be stuck with a $100 fine if you don't comply. But what deems a device hands free?
Everywhere you go you see people that appear to have their cell phones physically attached to their ears and thumbs for fear that if they don’t stay glued to the godforsaken thing they just might miss out on something as important as a Facebook status update or the latest social commentary in the form of a meme.
If you are one of these people, the good news is, you are not alone.
In the past few years, it’s become increasingly common to see cellphones on restaurant tables alongside the standard napkin and silverware.
But one Los Angeles eatery wants to change all that — and playing along will save you money.
Cisco’s annual Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast makes some interesting (some may say frightening) predictions, including the fact that the number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the world’s population sometime this year.