I Want It vs. I Need ItI Want It vs. I Need ItIf I want something I can always find a way to justify it as a need. How many of us have ever bought a music CD to get one song?Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Tom’s Opinion: Where Are The Jobs?Tom’s Opinion: Where Are The Jobs?What employers discovered was that they were actually fat with employees. The advancing technology had replaced many jobs that were no longer needed.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
How Far Have We Come in Fifteen Years?How Far Have We Come in Fifteen Years?With all the turmoil in the world we often look to things that are stable. Things we do in our daily lives that give us a feeling of normalcy.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Tough Times Call for Tough PeopleTough Times Call for Tough PeopleWill “the worst of times” make us stronger in the long run? Or will “the best of times,” on the distant horizon, completely change the way business is done?Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff