MT. AG Tim Fox on Robocalls, ACA, and Medicaid [Listen]MT. AG Tim Fox on Robocalls, ACA, and Medicaid [Listen]Attorney General and Montana Gubernatorial Candidate Tim Fox (above) joins Tom and Shane to address the topic of Robocalls.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
State Insurance Commissioner Issues Direct Primary Care MemoState Insurance Commissioner Issues Direct Primary Care MemoState Insurance Commissioner Matt Rosendale issued a memorandum stating that direct primary care provider agreements are non-insurance healthcare options.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Is Affordable Healthcare Possible?Is Affordable Healthcare Possible?I hate to be so cynical but when it comes right down to it “one size fits all” that seldom works when you’re dealing with government.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Is Healthcare A Right?Is Healthcare A Right?The question is — Not how can we provide healthcare to every single American; but how can we provide health INSURANCE to every single American.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff