No Infrastructure For You – Montana Legislature
Why is it that infrastructure only rears its ugly head during election years? There were hopes over at MSU that Romney Hall might get some big bucks from the state for a major overhaul.
It seems that’s off the table for now. The legislature came up short of the needed votes.
Do We Need New Priorities?
Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, water and sewer lines only seem to get the grease when they totally fail. Then there’s a major scramble to find the funds to do a quick stopgap measure.
We do a quick “dodged that bullet” dance then go on until the next emergency strikes.
What would it take to put aside a little here and a little there and we might actually have the funds to keep our cities infrastructure up to snuff?
It’s like expecting your car to run forever but you never change the oil.
I guess I could handle driving a crappy car as long as it bought me a few needed votes.
That seems to be the one overriding mantra in political thinking. I have to spend the taxpayer money on feel good stuff. Nothing left for a good oil change.
That bridge will probably last another couple of years. We’ll deal with it down the road.
Some Final Thoughts
I appreciate all the places that our legislature could put our money. People need help, but it’s not possible to help everyone.
So Romney Hall will have to wait unless Jake Jabs wants to dig deep again to help out.
But it would be nice to not have to hold my breath every time I cross a bridge.
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